🗻 5 Fascinating Facts About Mount Fuji 🗻
Partly Private Property – Contrary to popular belief, Mount Fuji isn’t wholly public. From 3,360m to the summit, it’s owned by Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha, a temple network that was granted this land in 1606 by the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Active Volcano – Mount Fuji is more than just a beautiful sight; it’s an active volcano. Sitting on a tectonic triple junction, it has been active for over 1,000 years with the last eruption recorded between December 16, 1707, and January 1, 1708.
Japan’s First Ski Slope – Austria’s Major Theodore Edler von Lerch and Egon Edler von Kratzer skied down Mount Fuji in 1911, making it Japan’s first ski slope. A plaque commemorates this event at the 5th stage.
Mountain-Top Weddings – Couples can tie the knot at Okumiya Shrine atop Mount Fuji. Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha offers wedding services during the mountain-climbing season in July and August. Due to limited space, only parties of up to 10 people can be accommodated.
Women’s Climbing Ban – For centuries, women couldn’t climb Mount Fuji. The ban lasted until 1872, allowing women only as far as the second stage. It was believed that women, particularly beautiful ones, might anger the goddess Konohana-sakuya-hime and cause an eruption.
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